Community Food Night
Every Monday, from 5:00-7:00, Puddle Jumpers volunteers serve hot coffee and tea, soups and other meals, biscuits and tons of general groceries to those who need it — for free! Puddle Jumpers sources fresh food from a variety of locations to then be passed to families in need. You can help by assisting us in a any capacity, from food collections, that happen on a daily basis or volunteering on Monday night or assisting us with the set-up during the day from 9:30-4 at the PJ Offices in Glandore.
Camp and Activity Days
Our core service continues to be providing camps and activities to children and families who are disadvantaged. You can help by volunteering at the PJ Offices to prepare and pack for camp, or join in on the fun through volunteering for one of these events.
Wear Your Wellie Boots Day
Ever dreamt of wearing your favorite welly boots to work or school all day long? On our annual Welly Boots Day – YOU CAN!
Hosting a Wear your Welly Boots Day in your work place or school is a fun way to highlight the importance of children being children and to raise much needed funds for children who are disadvantaged at the same time.
If you are interested in hosting a Wear your Welly Boots Day at your work or school in 2018, please contact for more information.
Hold your own Fundraiser for us
If you are interested in holding a fundraiser, to obtain a letter of support from us, or a permission to raise funds letter, or to discuss online platforms for us or simply to get some more information please contact
Kindness Cakes for Kids in Need
To Nominate a child please fill in our birthday cake nomination form and email it to us.
To sponsor a Kindness Cake please donate $50 (fully tax deductible) and we will send birthday cake to a child in need.